Aftab Saqib
Aug 31, 2023


Your reflection on the act of expressing gratitude is heartfelt and aligns well with the "A Gift Overdue" project. The specific examples of your Aunt and cousin Asma effectively illustrate the impact these individuals have had on your life. The emotional connection you convey when describing the responses and reactions upon receiving your letters adds depth to your narrative. To further align with the project's objectives, consider expanding on the content of the letters you wrote to your Aunt and Asma, highlighting specific instances and lessons they've taught you. This would enhance the reflection of your appreciation. Additionally, reflecting on how this experience of expressing gratitude has influenced your perspective on relationships and the importance of acknowledging those who've shaped our lives would deepen the narrative. Overall, your piece beautifully captures the essence of the project, and expanding on those specific elements would enhance your submission. Well done!



Aftab Saqib

Aftab Saqib is a Certified Trainer, Entrepreneur, and Business Development Consultant with expertise in coaching individuals and startups.