Aftab Saqib
1 min readSep 1, 2023


Dear Zeeshan, Your blog effectively conveys the significance of expressing gratitude to a mentor who has profoundly impacted your academic journey. You effectively convey the depth of your emotions and appreciation for Dr. Zahid Ishaqee Sahid's guidance and support. The structure of your blog, from the heartfelt opening lines of the letter to the specific moments and lessons you highlight, provides a clear narrative that engages the reader emotionally. You emphasize the importance of mentorship not only in academic growth but also in fostering character, empathy, and resilience. The conclusion elegantly ties together the themes of gratitude, mentorship, and the meaningful relationships forged during educational journeys. However, to make your blog even more impactful, consider including specific anecdotes or examples of how Dr. Sahid's mentorship influenced your academic and personal growth. These concrete instances would make your gratitude more tangible and relatable to the readers, enhancing the depth of your message. Overall, it's a touching and well-structured blog that effectively communicates the transformative power of mentorship and the value of expressing gratitude.



Aftab Saqib

Aftab Saqib is a Certified Trainer, Entrepreneur, and Business Development Consultant with expertise in coaching individuals and startups.