Aftab Saqib
Aug 31, 2023


Dear Nida,

Your blog post beautifully encapsulates the essence of the "A Gift Overdue" project, reflecting on the significance of lollipop moments and expressing gratitude towards friends. The introduction engages the reader by highlighting the modern-day approach to heartfelt communication, connecting it to the project assignment. Your description of lollipop moments and their impact is vivid and relatable, capturing the essence of meaningful connections. By sharing personal stories about Mobashira Sabir and Rafia Riaz, you provide concrete examples of your gratitude, aligning with the project's goal of acknowledging those who have made a positive impact. Consider expanding on the emotions and experiences of crafting and delivering the letters, as well as the responses received, to provide a more complete account of the journey. This will enrich the narrative and further emphasize the project's core objectives.



Aftab Saqib

Aftab Saqib is a Certified Trainer, Entrepreneur, and Business Development Consultant with expertise in coaching individuals and startups.